Honestly, the Americanisation in this country is off the rictor. And where the hell has customer service gone? I was horrified and disgusted at what I discovered last night when I attempted to buy some pop-corn at the movies.
OK so, that in itself you might say, is quite American. Pop corn, movies, Coke. Yes, yes I admit, it is hard not to absorb some American Culture. But....when I attempted to buy Pop-corn, I felt like I was in a strange Willie Wonker land or some foreign place. There was no counter or canteen with real people standing behind it ready to scoop out hot buttery pop corn into a container and hand it to with me with a smile, bidding me a good night and an enjoyable evening. No, I had to walk around this semi circle of sweets and drinks until I eventually spotted a glass cabinet, which I presumed to be warm, with pre-packed buckets filled with pop-corn sitting there for me to take. Next, I found several paper cups sticking out from the wall like some sort of horizontal tower. I took one and placed it against the respective drinks push button. Nothing happened. I realised that I needed to place the cup on the tray and then press the push button with my hand. Bingo! Yes, I was getting it now. I found myself a lid to match the size of my cup (thank God it said small, medium and large and not regular, or whatever the American sizes are) and then a packet of Twisties and pivoted on my heel to look for a counter when I froze in horror at the site of two young attendants (at least there were real people to pay the money too I suppose) dressed in red striped outfits that resembled something of candy cane. WTF?? I thought, bloody hell, where am I? Yes, I was in Chermside. Chermside, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Fair enough we don't all need to wear thongs and a string bikini or singlets to work but this was too much!
Is it just me or are we gradually diminishing our culture and flavour that gives us continuity and makes us unique?
It makes me think of the Pubs in Brisbane. Where have they gone? Where are the normal good old fashion "old man" pubs? Why are have they been turned into pokie harbouring dens with disgusting blue and yellow swirly carpet and generic menus and beers on tap which the bar staff don't even pour. They just place the glass (which most of the time isn't even glass now) under the push button and fill it! Ahhhhhhhhh! If it's not that style of place, it's been turned into some kind of yuppie overpriced and over-rated venue filled with wankers hitting on anything that moves! Now, I am not saying that I don't like cocktail bars, wine bars, tapas bars and clubs and a diverse range of venues and I can yuppie it up with the best of them but, it brings me back to my original question. Where are the good old fashion pubs in Brisbane, where you can go for a good counterie and cold local beer poured by some
one who knows how, and listen to a live band at a table with your mates?