Beautiful Brisbane

Beautiful Brisbane

Friday, January 18, 2013

Conquer Cancer Ride August 2013

Geeeeeez it's been a long time in between blogs! I'm back on today to ask for help.

I work as an admin officer in a hospital and see patients and their families effected by cancer everyday. I am fit and well and have decided to do what I can to help find a cause to this disease.

I'll be participating in a 2-day major cycling event called The Brisbane Ride to Conquer Cancer® benefiting Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR).

I'll be cycling over 200 kilometres that weekend, throughout Queensland's scenic countryside, with thousands of other Riders. All the proceeds will go to QIMR, a worldwide leader in cancer research and discovery, and one of the largest research institutes in the southern hemisphere.

I've agreed to raise at least $2,500, but I've set my personal goal to $2750.00. So here's where you come in because I need your help to do that. Please consider making a donation of $100 or anything that you can spare. Use the link at the bottom of this email to visit my webpage and support me. Please keep in mind the commitment I'm making to end this heartbreaking disease, and the personal efforts I'll have to make to accomplish this.

When I say "heartbreaking," here's what I mean: with 1 in 2 Australians diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and an estimated 121,500 new cases of cancer diagnosed in Australia this year, cancer is the second leading cause of Australian deaths and affects almost 20% of the population. That's why I'm riding. To do something BIG about cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me by supporting my fundraising efforts.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!   My name is Kelli Duff